

Snow Day Project!

        I am already safely home after safe after a snowy day at work.  It took me 3 hours to drive my usual 40 minute comute this morning.  I was SO excited when we got an email around 1pm annoucing that the angecy would be closed tomorrow.  YAY FREE SNOW DAY!!!  When I was little my mom had the "snow day/rainy day box".  It was the best thing ever. Anytime we were off from school she would pull out this big box filled with craft supplied.  My sister and I would spend hours making homes out of old shoe boxes for our beanie babies.  Below is a quick recycled project if you are stuck at home tomorrow. 

Recycled Record Bowl

You Need:
1 Vinal  Record (that you are willing to melt and never listen to again)
1 Cookie Sheet
1 Large glass or metal mixing bowl
1 Oven pre-heated to 200 degrees
1 Set of oven mitts

You Do:
  1. Pre-Heat oven to 200 degrees
  2. Place mixing bowl upside down on cookie sheet
  3. Place record on top of the bowl
  4. Gently place cookie sheet/bowl/record combo into the oven for 8 minutes or until the the record sides start to get all floppy
  5. Remove from the oven and use your hands (with oven mitts on) to form the record over the bowl
  6. Hold it on the form for one minute until cool
You Get:

Stay Warm!


  1. Cool idea for what to do with that one that got scratched beyond any hope of repair!

  2. OK, gotta say that I <3 the ones I purchased from you!
